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Monday, June 21, 2010

1.) Teen Intrent Saftey Blog

When bloggin there are lots of things to remember. Here is a list of five things you should always beware of, and to not post. Because although you can post anything you want, SHould you?

1.) Becarful what you post anyone can see your postings, so anyone can hold them against you. Because some of the stuff you are posting now will be looked at for many years.

2.)Tell Your Parents! You might not want to but you should. They are your parents and they want the best for you, so give them the web aderess so they can help you stay safe. Because they do have the right's to your adress anyway.

3.)People online arent always who they appear to be! Becareful who you talk to and what kinda of relationship you build with that person. They might be posing to be a 13 year old boy/girl who wants a relationship when really there a 50 year old creep who just wants to meet you in person, which you should never do if you meet them online!

4.)Always read the Terms&Uses article. That artcle if for your help and will help protect you. Not only to help prtect you but also to help you from being volated with breaking the sites rules, which could somtimes cause a fine, or even expulsion or suspention from the site.

5.)PRIVACY! Privacy is key in the worl of Web 2.0!! Never give away any personal information. Your last name, Phone Number, Address, School, State, or Even City have the chance to rune your life! ALthough you dont want to think ever 50 year old male talking to you is a nice man he just wants you. He will do anything to get to see you and if you give out anything personal he will see and they will try to get ahold of you for bad things.

As you see there are many things you need to becarful of while on the intrent. Also on sites suxh as facebook there are many. MANY posers for celebrities, even justin bieber ;)

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